Thread: [BUG] ?

[BUG] ?

"Geoff Ellis"
I was having a lot of trouble the other day and thanks to Tom Lane for his
help in getting me up and running. I did find however that pgAdminII 1.4.12
did not drop triggers properly.

I've enclosed a file which contains the db schema. Although, I couldn't get
it to install the plpgsql language and create the database in pgAdminII so I
had to create those on the command line.

geoff@emsdev:~$ createdb test
geoff@emsdev:~$ createlang plpgsql test


In pgAdmin, if you drop the function first, and refresh the schema, it shows
that the trigger no longer exists on the table blah. However, you would
still see the trigger using the psql interface and will have to drop it here
otherwise you get cache lookup failed errors and can't install the trigger
again as it already exists.

If you drop the trigger first, this works fine. So I guess I'm saying you
need to drop the trigger explicitly rather than doing it via dropping the

Is this a feature or a bug? ;o)

Sorry if this has been made aware...

kind regards

Geoff Ellis
Metalogic PLC
Burnsall Road


Re: [BUG] ?

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Ellis []
> Sent: 16 January 2003 12:23
> To:
> Cc: Steve Pitchford; Steve Baker
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] [BUG] ?
> I was having a lot of trouble the other day and thanks to Tom
> Lane for his help in getting me up and running. I did find
> however that pgAdminII 1.4.12 did not drop triggers properly.
> I've enclosed a file which contains the db schema. Although,
> I couldn't get it to install the plpgsql language and create
> the database in pgAdminII so I had to create those on the
> command line.
> geoff@emsdev:~$ createdb test
> geoff@emsdev:~$ createlang plpgsql test
> bug
> ===
> In pgAdmin, if you drop the function first, and refresh the
> schema, it shows that the trigger no longer exists on the
> table blah. However, you would still see the trigger using
> the psql interface and will have to drop it here otherwise
> you get cache lookup failed errors and can't install the
> trigger again as it already exists.
> If you drop the trigger first, this works fine. So I guess
> I'm saying you need to drop the trigger explicitly rather
> than doing it via dropping the function.
> Is this a feature or a bug? ;o)

Hi Geoff,

I think this falls somewhere in between :-). pgAdmin will happily drop
the function (because it relies on PostgreSQL to prevent it if
required), but then will not show the trigger because the query it uses
has an inner join to the pg_proc entry for the (now missing) function.

I'm not particularly compelled to find a for this as the problem no
longer exists in PostgreSQL 7.3 which prevents the dropping of items
with dependencies by default, and to be honest, I really don't have time
right now anyway :-(

Thanks for making me aware of the problem however.

Regards, Dave.