Thread: question
I’m really proude of your work, I think you are making a wonderfull job.
I’m a Visual Basic Programer and I have just start trying Postgresql, I have install postgresql in a linux box, and started. But when I am connected with the pgadminII I cannot create any object just databases or languages.
I just can see the databases not the tables.
Please send me some help on how can I solve this problem.
Pablo Perez
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: 09 December 2002 19:30
Subject: [pgadmin-support] questionI’m really proude of your work, I think you are making a wonderfull job.
I’m a Visual Basic Programer and I have just start trying Postgresql, I have install postgresql in a linux box, and started. But when I am connected with the pgadminII I cannot create any object just databases or languages.
I just can see the databases not the tables.
You will find Tables under the Schemas node which you should find next to Languages on the treeview. Once you have browsed into a suitable container (database/schema or whatever) you will be able to create objects in that container.
Regards, Dave.