Thread: Can't delete rules

Can't delete rules

"Donald Fraser"
pgAdmin Version 1.4.2
The syntax for the DROP RULE statement generated by pgAdmin is incorrect.
If you try to drop a rule you get the following error.
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - SQL (CISX): DROP RULE rul_setpasswd ON vtbl_user_setpasswd
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - Error(s)
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - *******************************************************************
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - Error in pgAdmin II:basActions.Drop: -2147467259 - ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ON"
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - The following error(s) have been logged:
  -2147467259 - ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ON"
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - Windows Version: Windows 2000 v5.0 build 2195 Service Pack 2
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - pgSchema Version: 1.4.1
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - MDAC Version: 2.5
2002-11-28 13:58:47 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0004 PostgreSQL 7.2.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
2) Not a bug, more of a lacking feature: You can't create rules for views, this is a pain as the only way you can update, insert or delete on views is to create rules for them.
Regards Donald

Re: Can't delete rules

"Dave Page"
Hi Donald,
-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Fraser []
Sent: 29 November 2002 10:13
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Can't delete rules

pgAdmin Version 1.4.2
The syntax for the DROP RULE statement generated by pgAdmin is incorrect.
If you try to drop a rule you get the following error.
Actually it is correct, but only for PostgreSQL 7.3 - it seems the syntax was changed :-(. In the meantime, you can use the SQL
DROP RULE rul_setpasswd
to drop it manually.
 2) Not a bug, more of a lacking feature: You can't create rules for views, this is a pain as the only way you can update, insert or delete on views is to create rules for them.
Yes, I'm aware of this missing feature - it's probably only going to be implemented in pgAdmin III, rather than pgAdmin II.
Regards, Dave.

Re: Can't delete rules

"Dave Page"
Actually Donald, the fix for this was simple enough that if you update pgSchema.dll on your system, it should work OK. You can grab the latest version from in the binaries directory if you like.
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Fraser []
Sent: 29 November 2002 10:13
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Can't delete rules

pgAdmin Version 1.4.2
The syntax for the DROP RULE statement generated by pgAdmin is incorrect.
If you try to drop a rule you get the following error.