Thread: Error Msg in pgAdmin II 1.3.60

Error Msg in pgAdmin II 1.3.60

"Joaquin Villanueva"
As far I can't find in the support list anything related, I want to report this error:
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - Error
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmColumn.chkProperties_Click: 91 - La variable de tipo Object o la variable de bloque With no está establecida
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.3
2002-07-23 17:34:56 - Connection String (Master Connection): Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=test;SERVER=********;PORT=5432;UID=******;PWD=********;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=6.4;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=254;MaxLongVarcharSize=65536;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=1;Ksqo=1;UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=1;BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=1;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0"
The error shows in a window when creating a column and clicking in Restrict Values? or Primary Key? checkbox.
Except for the message and the error in the log, table is created correctly, with NULL and PRIMARY clauses especified if selected
Also I'm receiving errors like that:
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Error
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvNamespace: 5 - Llamada a procedimiento o argumento no válidos
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.3
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Connection String (Master Connection): Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=test;SERVER=**********;PORT=5432;UID=***********;PWD=********;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=6.4;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=254;MaxLongVarcharSize=65536;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=1;Ksqo=1;UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=1;BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=1;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0"
when left or right clicking in treeview: Databases/test/Schemas(1)/public
Sometimes connection remeains in error state and is necessary to restart pgAdmin.
I hope this can help to make better this excellent tool.
Best regards
Joaquin Villanueva

Re: Error Msg in pgAdmin II 1.3.60

"Dave Page"
-----Original Message-----
From: Joaquin Villanueva []
Sent: 23 July 2002 16:59
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Error Msg in pgAdmin II 1.3.60

As far I can't find in the support list anything related, I want to report this error:
The error shows in a window when creating a column and clicking in Restrict Values? or Primary Key? checkbox.
Except for the message and the error in the log, table is created correctly, with NULL and PRIMARY clauses especified if selected 
This one was fixed recently in CVS, it will be in the next release. 
Also I'm receiving errors like that:
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Error
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - *******************************************************************
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Error in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvNamespace: 5 - Llamada a procedimiento o argumento no válidos
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Windows Version: Windows XP v5.1 build 2600
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - pgSchema Version: 1.3.150
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - MDAC Version: 2.7
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - DBMS Version: 07.02.0001 PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.95.3
2002-07-23 17:51:23 - Connection String (Master Connection): Provider=MSDASQL.1;Extended Properties="DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=test;SERVER=**********;PORT=5432;UID=***********;PWD=********;ReadOnly=0;Protocol=6.4;FakeOidIndex=0;ShowOidColumn=0;RowVersioning=0;ShowSystemTables=0;ConnSettings=;Fetch=100;Socket=4096;UnknownSizes=0;MaxVarcharSize=254;MaxLongVarcharSize=65536;Debug=0;CommLog=0;Optimizer=1;Ksqo=1;UseDeclareFetch=0;TextAsLongVarchar=1;UnknownsAsLongVarchar=1;BoolsAsChar=1;Parse=0;CancelAsFreeStmt=0;ExtraSysTablePrefixes=dd_;LFConversion=1;UpdatableCursors=1;DisallowPremature=0;TrueIsMinus1=0"
when left or right clicking in treeview: Databases/test/Schemas(1)/public
Sometimes connection remeains in error state and is necessary to restart pgAdmin. 
I believe this should be sorted as well now. Please try the next release when I announce it. 
I hope this can help to make better this excellent tool. 

All bug reports are useful - please keep 'em coming :-)
Regards, Dave.