Thread: Re: pgAdminII bug ?

Re: pgAdminII bug ?

Dave Page
Please use the list for future support

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Calder []
> Sent: 15 March 2002 15:38
> To:
> Subject: pgAdminII bug ?
> pgAdminII 1.2.0
> win2k sp2 + all current patches
> server is on Red Hat linux 7.2
> postgresql-7.1.3-2
>     The "Connect to Server" screen will not accept the
> following characters in the
> password field :    }{
>       If I change my login password on the linux server to
> remove those characters, I can
> login just fine.

Yes, those are special characters in the connection string. I guess we're
not quoting the password properly - I'll take a look.

>   Weirdness :  My normal password has the sequence }{
> Using it will produce the error in the attached file.
> If I tell pgAdmin my password uses {} (note the reverse) then
> it lets me in just fine, and this
> is without changing Linux, on Linux it still is the }{ !

That sounds like your client is trusted by the postgresql server (check
$PGDATA/pg_hba.conf). On my test system I get password authentication

Thanks for the report,

Regards, Dave.