Thread: Fatal Error

Fatal Error

"Bob T"
I notice the error....
FATAL 1:  Database "template0" is not currently accepting connections

only when using pgAdmin II not  when using psql terminal..
The circumstance occurs when you first mouse click the Databases container.=
After the container is chosen it then has a plus sign next to it
and by clicking on the plus you can see the individual databases.
If at any time I click on the primary container (Databases) I will get the
above error as pgAdmin II attempts to open all datesbases including templat=

Anyone else using pgAdimin II experience this behavior..

Bob T

Re: Fatal Error

Dave Page
Hi Bob,
Everyone will experience this behaviour. When you click on the databases node the pgSchema library attempts to connect to each database to see if it's accessible. In the case of template0, it never is, but the application doesn't know that. There was an item on the ToDo list to make this behaviour slightly more intelligent...
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob T []
Sent: 25 February 2002 06:48
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Fatal Error

I notice the error....
FATAL 1:  Database "template0" is not currently accepting connections

only when using pgAdmin II not  when using psql terminal..
The circumstance occurs when you first mouse click the Databases container.=
After the container is chosen it then has a plus sign next to it
and by clicking on the plus you can see the individual databases.
If at any time I click on the primary container (Databases) I will get the
above error as pgAdmin II attempts to open all datesbases including templat=

Anyone else using pgAdimin II experience this behavior..

Bob T