Thread: Migration Wizrd : Foreign keys not supported !?

Migration Wizrd : Foreign keys not supported !?

Didier Moens
Dear all,

Having successfully used the pgAdminII "Migration Wizard" last month to
migrate an MSAccess2000 test database, I am since last week trying to
migrate an update of this database.

Currently, I'm stuck : when entering the "Foreign Keys" tab the
Migration Wizard reports an error "Foreign keys are not supported by
this provider" ; afterwards, the migration fails.

My MSAccess database is not corrupt ; I checked my relationships.

PostgreSQL 7.2rc2
ODBC 7.1.9
pgAdmin II 1.2.0

Provider (from the connection string) : "MSDASQL.1".

Could this be due to an update to MSDAC 2.7 ?

Kind regards,

Didier Moens (getting quite desperate)
RUG/VIB - Dept. Molecular Biomedical Research - Core IT
tel ++32(9)2645309 fax ++32(9)2645348