Thread: User Log?

User Log?

"Rod Taylor"
I'd first like to thank you for no longer creating the 'SPAM' pga_*
tables.  This allows me to actually use the tool on real systems
rather than just the toy ones.

An operation I do on a regular basis is run some queries against a
development database (my muck about one).  Then I run them against the
programmers database.  Let the programmers regress their code to
ensure it functions as expected.  Then I run the exact same queries
against the test database where the QA staff can confirm the fix and
continued operation.  Later I run them against the live database.

If pgAdmin could record an editable playlog of all actions I do to the
system (comments, structure changes, function changes, and hand
queries) that would be excellent.  This playlog should not include any
of PGAdmins internal dataselects.  Since there may be several days
between steps the user should be able to record the log with a
description.  A replay function will allow the user to 'play the log'
against another database as requested.  Editing can be strictly
removing some 'mistaken steps'.  Ideally I should be able to do a test
play (rollback at the end rather than commit) to confirm it can be
applied after editing.

As a side note, I still need to be able to cut & paste the SQL
generated for the purposes of a change control report.

Currently this can almost be done with the logging when you grep out
all of the selects (99.9% of the time it's pgAdmin doing it's thing).
Rod Taylor

Your eyes are weary from staring at the CRT. You feel sleepy. Notice
how restful it is to watch the cursor blink. Close your eyes. The
opinions stated above are yours. You cannot imagine why you ever felt

Re: User Log?

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rod Taylor []
> Sent: 12 January 2002 17:49
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] User Log?
> I'd first like to thank you for no longer creating the 'SPAM'
> pga_* tables.  This allows me to actually use the tool on
> real systems rather than just the toy ones.

pga_* tables aren't pgAdmin's - someone else complained to me about them,
but all pgAdmin stuff is pgadmin_*. That aside, you realise there is an
option on the Advanced menu in pgAdmin to remove them all?

> An operation I do on a regular basis is run some queries
> against a development database (my muck about one).  Then I
> run them against the programmers database.  Let the
> programmers regress their code to ensure it functions as
> expected.  Then I run the exact same queries against the test
> database where the QA staff can confirm the fix and continued
> operation.  Later I run them against the live database.
> If pgAdmin could record an editable playlog of all actions I
> do to the system (comments, structure changes, function
> changes, and hand
> queries) that would be excellent.  This playlog should not
> include any of PGAdmins internal dataselects.  Since there
> may be several days between steps the user should be able to
> record the log with a description.  A replay function will
> allow the user to 'play the log' against another database as
> requested.  Editing can be strictly removing some 'mistaken
> steps'.  Ideally I should be able to do a test play (rollback
> at the end rather than commit) to confirm it can be applied
> after editing.

There was a function in pgAdmin I that did something like this - nobody
really used it though except my team at work to my knowledge. Anyway, I'll
add it to the To-Do list as that seems like a good idea in the different
format that you describe.

Regards, Dave.