Thread: Re: "template0" is not currently accepting conn

Re: "template0" is not currently accepting conn

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Lee []
> Sent: 14 November 2001 08:07
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] "template0" is not currently
> accepting connections
> Dear All,
> Sometimes, I got the following error at log when using pgAdminII.
> FATAL 1:  Database "template0" is not currently accepting connections

pgAdmin attempts to connect to all databases it finds when you open the
Databases collection node (as you've recently found :-) ). template0 never
accepts connections from users so the attempt fails. pgAdmin/pgSchema detect
this and mark the database as innaccessible (hence the red cross through the
icon). This will also occur if pg_hba.conf prevents you from connecting.

There is a *slightly* cleaner way to do this - I'll add it to the To-Do

Regards, Dave.