Thread: random notes on build 59

random notes on build 59

First, of course, I must affirm that I like the program and I'm using it a
lot...  I wouldn't bother to note down everything, otherwise.. ;-)

These are some random thoughts about problems I found in the use; I'm using
PgAdminII vers. 1.1 build 59 on Win2000 Professional.
Bear with me if most of them are well known already.

I have tables containing "text" columns with much text in them. I found
that pgadmin dumps core when trying to show the content of the tables (by
the way, pgacces hangs in the same situation...)

I found that in multi-column index creation, order of the columns specified
is important. The interface does not allow to specify the order, though.

Often the main window, on program start, get displayed at off screen
coordinates -- this is what I can infer.. -- I can only show it choosing
Maximize from the windows toolbar button.

A minor one... menu items should allow the same actions now available only
with toolbar buttons.

A not so minor one: fonts choice -- even a limited one, small vs. big --
should be provided: on my screen the font is very small.

Thank you for your patience


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