Thread: pgAdmin 4 commit: The spinner icon is not visible while executing query

The spinner icon is not visible while executing query or running debugger in Runtime environment specific to Ubuntu.
Thisissue is related to RM#1186 

To make it work, we need to explicitly set -webkit-animation property to 'none' for classes
"sql-editor-busy-icon.fa-pulse"and ".debugger-container fa-pulse". 

'fa-pulse' class is responsible to spin the busy icon, but setting its -webkit-animation property to none will not spin
iconbut icon and message will be shown. 


Author: Surinder Kumar <>

Modified Files
web/pgadmin/tools/datagrid/templates/datagrid/index.html  | 1 +
web/pgadmin/tools/debugger/templates/debugger/direct.html | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)