Thread: [pgAdmin III] #352: integration issue on mac

[pgAdmin III] #352: integration issue on mac

"pgAdmin Trac"
#352: integration issue on mac
 Reporter:  Scott Swank  |       Owner:  dpage   
     Type:  bug          |      Status:  new     
 Priority:  minor        |   Milestone:          
Component:  pgadmin      |     Version:  1.14    
 Keywords:  querytool    |    Platform:  mac os x
 Here is a seeming quirk in pgadmin3. I say seeming, because I may
 simply not be sufficiently familiar with this tool.

 [A quick note for non-mac users, the Finder is the gui file browser,
 equivalent to Nautilus/Dolphin in linux or the Window Explorer in MS

 I have associated sql files with pgadmin.

 When I open pgadmin I have a "pgadmin" window and I can open
 additional "query tool" windows. However, if from the finder I open a
 sql file I do not see it in a query tool window. Application focus
 changes from the finder  to pgadmin, but I do not see the sql.

 Conversely, if I do not have pgadmin open and from the finder I open a
 sql file I see it in a query tool window. I, however, I open
 additional sql files from the finder they do not open in a query tool
 window, but again focus changes to pgadmin. Also, if I start pgadmin
 this way I only have query tool windows, how do I open the basic
 pgadmin window?

 This behavior does not seem to depend on how I open the file, e.g.
 double-click, or "open with: pgadmin3".

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