Thread: [pgAdmin III] #333: Graphical query builder controls

[pgAdmin III] #333: Graphical query builder controls

"pgAdmin Trac"
#333: Graphical query builder controls
 Reporter:  Colin Beckingham  |       Owner:  dpage
     Type:  bug               |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:       
Component:  pgadmin           |     Version:  1.12 
 Keywords:  gqb               |    Platform:  all  
 On open the graphical query builder, leftmost directory panel opens with
 database as main item and Catalogs and Schemas as sub-items.

 On click the + control for schemas to open that item "public" appears, but
 the + control for public does not appear until you double click it. After
 the double click you can open public and get to the tables and indexes and
 so on.

 It would be helpful if on click the + of schemas that when sub-items are
 displayed that the + control would automatically be added.

 The same behaviour would apply to Catalogs.

Ticket URL: <>
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pgAdmin III

Re: [pgAdmin III] #333: Graphical query builder controls

"pgAdmin Trac"
#333: Graphical query builder controls
 Reporter:  Colin Beckingham  |       Owner:  dpage
     Type:  bug               |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:       
Component:  pgadmin           |     Version:  1.12 
 Keywords:  gqb juniorjob     |    Platform:  all  
Changes (by gleu):

  * keywords:  gqb => gqb juniorjob

Ticket URL: <>
pgAdmin III <>
pgAdmin III

Re: [pgAdmin III] #333: Graphical query builder controls

"pgAdmin Trac"
#333: Graphical query builder controls
 Reporter:  Colin Beckingham  |       Owner:  gleu    
     Type:  feature           |      Status:  assigned
 Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:          
Component:  pgadmin           |     Version:  1.12    
 Keywords:  gqb juniorjob     |    Platform:  all     
Changes (by gleu):

  * status:  new => assigned
  * owner:  dpage => gleu
  * type:  bug => feature

Ticket URL: <>
pgAdmin III <>
pgAdmin III

Re: [pgAdmin III] #333: Graphical query builder controls

"pgAdmin Trac"
#333: Graphical query builder controls
  Reporter:  Colin Beckingham  |       Owner:  gleu         
      Type:  feature           |      Status:  closed       
  Priority:  minor             |   Milestone:  1.16         
 Component:  pgadmin           |     Version:  1.12         
Resolution:  fixed             |    Keywords:  gqb juniorjob
  Platform:  all               |  
Changes (by gleu):

  * status:  assigned => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed
  * milestone:  => 1.16


 Implemented in;a=commit;h=35dad7978fd4a914c9604262f338bfe0bea1b391

Ticket URL: <>
pgAdmin III <>
pgAdmin III