Thread: Grid edit pad-enter action diff between 1.6.x and 1.8.x

Grid edit pad-enter action diff between 1.6.x and 1.8.x

"mei ben"
On pgadmin III v1.6.x, when modifty grid data, press Pad-Enter, foucs will to the next row, cols no change. Press Enter or Tab focus will to the next col the same row.
But v1.8.x no mater Pad-Enter or Enter, focus always goes to nex col, there is no longer have a single key can comfire data change and go next row anymore!
After change a data grid, we must press Enter, press cursor-down, press cursor-left, to the same col of the row. This will waste much more time when change 100s of data lines.
If you can, please get the Pad-Enter to next row function back, or at least as a option: after press Enter or Pad-Enter comfire grid data change, focus go left or down.