Thread: Easier sorting & searching in the edit grid?

Easier sorting & searching in the edit grid?


I'd like to propose a tiny addition to the edit grid that shows tables
and query results.
The sorting&filter dialog is most of the time overkill when I just want
to look something up.

I'd be nice to have additional command buttons like you find e.g. in
One clicks into a column and then

1)   a)   "A-->Z"
       b)  "Z-->A"   to sort the grid by this column.

2)   a)   A button that asks for a value to search within this column.
      b)   continue

Or set filters on this column:
3)  a)    show just records that have the same value in this column as
the cell that has the focus right now.
     b)   NOT (1)

4)   ask for an expression X and set a filter on the current column.
This might be more work so it isn't a priority but it'd be really helpful.
E.g.   mouse click in column   "some_number".
Then click button and enter :    ">100 and <900 or null"
pgAdmin would expand this to:
(some_number > 100) AND (some_number < 900) OR (some_number IS NULL)

I think even just 1) - 3) would save a whole lot of typing and retyping
b/c of wrong spelling.


Re: Easier sorting & searching in the edit grid?

Dave Page
Andreas wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to propose a tiny addition to the edit grid that shows tables
> and query results.
> The sorting&filter dialog is most of the time overkill when I just want
> to look something up.
> I'd be nice to have additional command buttons like you find e.g. in
> MS-Office:
> One clicks into a column and then
> 1)   a)   "A-->Z"
>       b)  "Z-->A"   to sort the grid by this column.
> 2)   a)   A button that asks for a value to search within this column.
>      b)   continue
> Or set filters on this column:
> 3)  a)    show just records that have the same value in this column as
> the cell that has the focus right now.
>     b)   NOT (1)
> 4)   ask for an expression X and set a filter on the current column.
> This might be more work so it isn't a priority but it'd be really helpful.
> E.g.   mouse click in column   "some_number".
> Then click button and enter :    ">100 and <900 or null"
> pgAdmin would expand this to:   (some_number > 100) AND (some_number <
> 900) OR (some_number IS NULL)
> I think even just 1) - 3) would save a whole lot of typing and retyping
> b/c of wrong spelling.

1 & 2 sound good. I'm on the fence on the usefulness of 3, and for 4 you
might as well use the existing dialogue.

Any danger I can persuade someone to take a stab at this?

Regards, Dave

Re: Easier sorting & searching in the edit grid?

Guillaume Lelarge
Dave Page a écrit :
> Andreas wrote:
>> I'd like to propose a tiny addition to the edit grid that shows tables
>> and query results.
>> The sorting&filter dialog is most of the time overkill when I just want
>> to look something up.
>> I'd be nice to have additional command buttons like you find e.g. in
>> MS-Office:
>> One clicks into a column and then
>> 1)   a)   "A-->Z"
>>       b)  "Z-->A"   to sort the grid by this column.
>> 2)   a)   A button that asks for a value to search within this column.
>>      b)   continue
>> Or set filters on this column:
>> 3)  a)    show just records that have the same value in this column as
>> the cell that has the focus right now.
>>     b)   NOT (1)
>> 4)   ask for an expression X and set a filter on the current column.
>> This might be more work so it isn't a priority but it'd be really helpful.
>> E.g.   mouse click in column   "some_number".
>> Then click button and enter :    ">100 and <900 or null"
>> pgAdmin would expand this to:   (some_number > 100) AND (some_number <
>> 900) OR (some_number IS NULL)
>> I think even just 1) - 3) would save a whole lot of typing and retyping
>> b/c of wrong spelling.
> 1 & 2 sound good. I'm on the fence on the usefulness of 3, and for 4 you
> might as well use the existing dialogue.

1 and 2 were something I wanted to do but don't have the time right now.
So, if Andreas wants to work on this, I completely agree :)

I also wanted to add a combobox for each column, showing unique values.
Choosing one of the unique values will filter by this value. It seems to
me more interesting than 3.

Moreover, I would be great to have this (1 and 2) for server status window.

