Thread: pgAdmin3 snapshots(1.6.2) on OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

pgAdmin3 snapshots(1.6.2) on OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

"Hiroshi Saito"

OpenSUSE can be used now.!:-)

pgAdmin3 snapshots(1.6.2) on OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise

This RPM package has been tested on the following distributions.

1. OpenSUSE 10.1
2. OpenSUSE 10.2
3. SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 (both Server and Desktop distributions)

pgAdmin3 requires wxWidgets (API for writing GUI applications), xml2
(XML/Unix processing tool), and xslt tools (library for transforming
XML documents into other XML documents). The combination of versions
of these tools and libraries is sensitive, therefore, the binary was
created statically linked with the versions listed as under:

Versions being used:
As for the running environment, ver 8.1 and 8.2 is also possible.

When you use different versions provided by the distribution in RPM
packages, you may face problems in compillation.

Installation guide:
In RPM installation, the dependency check is peformed whether or not
PostgreSQL was properly installed. Sometime, PostgreSQL is installed
manyually from source codes, and you may fail to install RPM in this
case. To avoid this condition by typing:

# rpm -i --nodeps pgadmin3-1.6.2-1.i586.rpm

Because libpq is also statically implimented, it is not mandatory to
include it concurrently.

This file has been GPG signed at build time by Hiroshi Saito whose
public key may be found at:

Thank you very much for downloading this useful tool to manipulate
PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open source database systems.
Please use pgAdmin3 to the best advantage!!!

Contributed by: Hiroshi Saito/Toshiyuki Ishikawa, Tokyo, Japan


Hiroshi Saito