Thread: SVN Commit by andreas: r4451 - in trunk/pgadmin3/src: dlg include ui

SVN Commit by andreas: r4451 - in trunk/pgadmin3/src: dlg include ui

Author: andreas
Date: 2005-09-18 18:34:15 +0100 (Sun, 18 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 4451

Allow Query Tool to use multiple connections

Added: trunk/pgadmin3/src/dlg/dlgSelectConnection.cpp
--- trunk/pgadmin3/src/dlg/dlgSelectConnection.cpp    2005-09-18 16:47:02 UTC (rev 4450)
+++ trunk/pgadmin3/src/dlg/dlgSelectConnection.cpp    2005-09-18 17:34:15 UTC (rev 4451)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+// pgAdmin III - PostgreSQL Tools
+// RCS-ID:      $Id:  $
+// Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005, The pgAdmin Development Team
+// This software is released under the Artistic Licence
+// dlgSelectConnection.cpp - Connect to a database
+// App headers
+#include "pgAdmin3.h"
+#include "dlgSelectConnection.h"
+#include "pgConn.h"
+#include "pgServer.h"
+#include "sysLogger.h"
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(dlgSelectConnection, DialogWithHelp)
+    EVT_COMBOBOX(XRCID("cbServer"),   dlgSelectConnection::OnChangeServer)
+    EVT_COMBOBOX(XRCID("cbDatabase"),   dlgSelectConnection::OnChangeDatabase)
+    EVT_BUTTON (wxID_OK,               dlgSelectConnection::OnOK)
+    EVT_BUTTON (wxID_CANCEL,           dlgSelectConnection::OnCancel)
+#define cbServer        CTRL_COMBOBOX("cbServer")
+#define cbDatabase      CTRL_COMBOBOX("cbDatabase")
+dlgSelectConnection::dlgSelectConnection(frmMain *form) :
+    wxLogInfo(wxT("Creating a select connection dialogue"));
+    wxWindowBase::SetFont(settings->GetSystemFont());
+    LoadResource((wxWindow*)form, wxT("dlgSelectConnection"));
+    appearanceFactory->SetIcons(this);
+    CenterOnParent();
+    wxLogInfo(wxT("Destroying a select connection dialogue"));
+wxString dlgSelectConnection::GetHelpPage() const
+    return wxT("pg/server-connect");
+void dlgSelectConnection::OnChangeServer(wxCommandEvent& ev)
+    cbDatabase->Clear();
+    int sel=cbServer->GetSelection();
+    if (sel >= 0)
+    {
+        remoteServer = (pgServer*)cbServer->GetClientData(sel);
+        if (!remoteServer->GetConnected())
+        {
+            remoteServer->Connect(mainForm, remoteServer->GetStorePwd());
+            if (!remoteServer->GetConnected())
+            {
+                wxLogError(remoteServer->GetLastError());
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+        if (remoteServer->GetConnected())
+        {
+            pgSet *set=remoteServer->ExecuteSet(
+                wxT("SELECT DISTINCT datname\n")
+                wxT("  FROM pg_database db\n")
+                wxT(" WHERE datallowconn ORDER BY datname"));
+            if (set)
+            {
+                while (!set->Eof())
+                {
+                    cbDatabase->Append(set->GetVal(wxT("datname")));
+                    set->MoveNext();
+                }
+                delete set;
+                cbDatabase->SetSelection(0);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    OnChangeDatabase(ev);
+wxString dlgSelectConnection::GetDatabase()
+    return cbDatabase->GetValue();
+void dlgSelectConnection::OnChangeDatabase(wxCommandEvent& ev)
+    btnOK->Enable(cbDatabase->GetCount() > 0 && cbDatabase->GetSelection() >= 0);
+void dlgSelectConnection::OnOK(wxCommandEvent& ev)
+    EndModal(wxID_OK);
+void dlgSelectConnection::OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& ev)
+    EndModal(wxID_CANCEL);
+int dlgSelectConnection::Go()
+    treeObjectIterator servers(mainForm->GetBrowser(), mainForm->GetServerCollection());
+    pgServer *s;
+    while ((s=(pgServer*)servers.GetNextObject()) != 0)
+        cbServer->Append(s->GetIdentifier(), (void*)s);
+    cbServer->SetFocus();
+    btnOK->Disable();
+    return ShowModal();

Added: trunk/pgadmin3/src/include/dlgSelectConnection.h
--- trunk/pgadmin3/src/include/dlgSelectConnection.h    2005-09-18 16:47:02 UTC (rev 4450)
+++ trunk/pgadmin3/src/include/dlgSelectConnection.h    2005-09-18 17:34:15 UTC (rev 4451)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// pgAdmin III - PostgreSQL Tools
+// RCS-ID:      $Id:  $
+// Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005, The pgAdmin Development Team
+// This software is released under the Artistic Licence
+// dlgSelectConnection.h - Connect to a database
+#include "dlgClasses.h"
+// Class declarations
+class dlgSelectConnection : public DialogWithHelp
+    dlgSelectConnection(frmMain *form);
+    ~dlgSelectConnection();
+    wxString GetHelpPage() const;
+    pgServer *GetServer() { return remoteServer; }
+    wxString GetDatabase();
+    int Go();
+    void OnChangeServer(wxCommandEvent& ev);
+    void OnChangeDatabase(wxCommandEvent& ev);
+    void OnOK(wxCommandEvent& ev);
+    void OnCancel(wxCommandEvent& ev);
+    pgServer *remoteServer;

Added: trunk/pgadmin3/src/ui/dlgSelectConnection.xrc
--- trunk/pgadmin3/src/ui/dlgSelectConnection.xrc    2005-09-18 16:47:02 UTC (rev 4450)
+++ trunk/pgadmin3/src/ui/dlgSelectConnection.xrc    2005-09-18 17:34:15 UTC (rev 4451)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+  <object class="wxDialog" name="dlgSelectConnection">
+    <title>Connect to Server</title>
+    <size>205,83d</size>
+    <object class="wxStaticText" name="stServer">
+      <label>Server</label>
+      <pos>5,7d</pos>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxComboBox" name="cbServer">
+      <content/>
+      <pos>65,5d</pos>
+      <size>135,12d</size>
+      <style>wxCB_READONLY|wxCB_DROPDOWN</style>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxStaticText" name="stDatabase">
+      <label>Database</label>
+      <pos>5,22d</pos>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxComboBox" name="cbDatabase">
+      <content/>
+      <pos>65,20d</pos>
+      <size>135,12d</size>
+      <style>wxCB_READONLY|wxCB_DROPDOWN</style>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_HELP">
+      <label>&Help</label>
+      <pos>2,65d</pos>
+      <style></style>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_OK">
+      <label>&OK</label>
+      <default>1</default>
+      <pos>97,65d</pos>
+      <style></style>
+    </object>
+    <object class="wxButton" name="wxID_CANCEL">
+      <label>&Cancel</label>
+      <default>0</default>
+      <pos>150,65d</pos>
+    </object>
+  </object>
\ No newline at end of file