Thread: Re: Pgadmin Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Re: Pgadmin Brazilian Portuguese Translation

Andreas Pflug
Dave Page wrote:
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ângelo Marcos Rigo []
>>Sent: 31 May 2005 17:01
>>To: Dave Page
>>Subject: Pgadmin Brazilian Portuguese Translation
>>I am happy to contribute continuing the Brazilian
>>Portuguese Translation of pgadmin.
>>I just download the .po file from PT-BR translation
>>page create a new catalog but when i try to save the
>>file this error message appear:
>>some header fields still have the initial default
>>I am trying to refer to the translation howto but if
>>you already know this error please let me know.
>>I would like to ask also if this is the correct way to
>>update the translation (download the po file editing
>>and saving)
> Hi,
> I've never translated anything before so am really not the best person to help. I believe that you do just download
theupdated .po which we periodically update manually and edit it as you are doing. 
> I suspect the error message is because you haven't set your name or some other field in the file header?
> Andreas can probably help some more though :-)

Always me ... :-)

I just fixed pt_br.

In poedit, go to catalog/options, and enter projectname="pgAdmin III",
translatorteam "The pgAdmin Development Team", and email

I previously fixed many translations, but not all.


> Regards, Dave.