Thread: Unicode support on W9x

Unicode support on W9x

"Serguei Mokhov"
Hello all,

I just upgraded my poEdit installation on W98SE and they now give
the following warning:

"Due to Microsoft's draconian licensing terms for The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/ME, poEdit cannot
shipwith full 
Unicode support. You have to manually download unicows.exe from
and copy unicows.dll into the directory where poedit.exe is after poEdit installation is completed."

Probably the same could be done with pgAdmin on 9x/Me?

Serguei A. Mokhov

Re: Unicode support on W9x

Andreas Pflug
Serguei Mokhov wrote:
> Hello all,
> I just upgraded my poEdit installation on W98SE and they now give
> the following warning:
> "Due to Microsoft's draconian licensing terms for The Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/ME, poEdit cannot
shipwith full 
> Unicode support. You have to manually download unicows.exe from
> and copy unicows.dll into the directory where poedit.exe is after poEdit installation is completed."
> Probably the same could be done with pgAdmin on 9x/Me?

We would have to link in a compatibility layer, more impacts unknown.
Unicode on 9x is really a PITA, if it was easy we would have done it
Besides, apparently there's no developer who could code and test it. And
this licensing crap doesn't make it easier.
So our advice is: if you can't avoid M$, definitely please do avoid 9x/ME.
