Thread: Re: pgAdmin III technical issues

Re: pgAdmin III technical issues

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear Ossama,

Thank you for the Arabic translation update. I will do my best to help you
today. Were you able to run pgAdmin3 and connect to a server?

I send a copy of my reply to the pgadmin-hackers list for information.

Andreas or Dave may be interested in changing some English messages like
"Execute arbitrary queries" or "Try switching it to..." or even "explain
analyse query" which are difficult to translated.

> (binary compatible)
Sorry, I understand the meaning but do not know where it comes from.

> Commutator
This is part of CREATE OEPRATOR syntax. You may keep it in English.

> Cast (Casts)
= "conversion" from one type to another.

> Do instead
This is part of the create rule dialog.

Rules can "rewrite" SQL queries on the fly before they are executed. For
example, you can transform a "drop" query and run another query "instead". I
would propose to keep this in English as it is very close to the SQL.

> Execute arbitrary SQL queries.
In the menu. I would translate by "Execute custom queries"

> Explain analyse query
> Explain verbose query

PostgreSQL allows you to analyse your queries in order to optimise them. This
analyse corresponds to the "EXPLAIN ANALYSE" and "EXPLAIN VERBOSE" SQL
queries. This text is displayed in the menu and means "Run EXPLAIN ANAYLYSE
on query" and "Run EXPLAIN VERBOSE on query".

> For each
Part of CREATE TRIGGER ... for each. Keep in English.

> For type
Don't know where it comes from.

> Handler
PostgreSQL has several server-side languages (plpgSQL, plPerl, plPHP, etc...).
Each language is managed by a handler. Keep 'handler" in English as it is
also part of the SQL syntax: CREATE LANGUAGE.

> Has OIDs
A table in PostgreSQL can have OIDs ("internal" identifiers) or not. Keep OIDs
in English.

> Kind
Don't know yet.

> Left / Right type / table
This is a query builder message. The query builder is buggy and cannot be run.
So I do not know exactly what this message stands for. Maybe you can draw
joins between two tables.

> Options modifying Explain output
These options can print more or less information in EXPLAIN query.

> Out of Memory for cacheLinePool
Internal message. Copy the source in target.

> Supports hash?
Hash is kind of index.

> Try switching it to the lefthand side in one\n
> or more relationships.

This is a query builder thing. "Try moving one or more relationships to the
left side (RTL!!!)". Don't know what it means.

Jean-Michel Pouré

Re: pgAdmin III technical issues

Andreas Pflug
Jean-Michel POURE wrote:

>Andreas or Dave may be interested in changing some English messages
IMHO the terms describe exactly what's meant. We'll try to explain if
this isn't clearly understood.

>"Execute arbitrary queries"
Execute free-form queries

> or "Try switching it to..."
Try changing it to

>or even "explain analyse query" which are difficult to translated.
In doubt, don't translate. This is PostgreSQL slang.

>>(binary compatible)
>Sorry, I understand the meaning but do not know where it comes from.
Used for casts, e.g. the cast varchar->text doesn't need a cast function
because the types are binary compatible (i.e. just different names for
the same data representation)

>This is part of CREATE OEPRATOR syntax. You may keep it in English.

>>Cast (Casts)
>= "conversion" from one type to another.

>>Do instead
>This is part of the create rule dialog.
>Rules can "rewrite" SQL queries on the fly before they are executed. For
>example, you can transform a "drop" query and run another query "instead". I
>would propose to keep this in English as it is very close to the SQL.
>>Execute arbitrary SQL queries.
>In the menu. I would translate by "Execute custom queries"
>>Explain analyse query
>>Explain verbose query
>PostgreSQL allows you to analyse your queries in order to optimise them. This
>analyse corresponds to the "EXPLAIN ANALYSE" and "EXPLAIN VERBOSE" SQL
>queries. This text is displayed in the menu and means "Run EXPLAIN ANAYLYSE
>on query" and "Run EXPLAIN VERBOSE on query".
>>For each
>Part of CREATE TRIGGER ... for each. Keep in English.
>>For type
>Don't know where it comes from.
operatorclass "This is the opclass for type ..."

>PostgreSQL has several server-side languages (plpgSQL, plPerl, plPHP, etc...).
>Each language is managed by a handler. Keep 'handler" in English as it is
>also part of the SQL syntax: CREATE LANGUAGE.
>>Has OIDs
>A table in PostgreSQL can have OIDs ("internal" identifiers) or not. Keep OIDs
>in English.

>Don't know yet.
Used as synonym for "type", since type is a PostgreSQL object term.

>>Left / Right type / table
>This is a query builder message. The query builder is buggy and cannot be run.
>So I do not know exactly what this message stands for. Maybe you can draw
>joins between two tables.
>>Options modifying Explain output
>These options can print more or less information in EXPLAIN query.
>>Out of Memory for cacheLinePool
>Internal message. Copy the source in target.
>>Supports hash?
>Hash is kind of index.
>>Try switching it to the lefthand side in one\n
>>or more relationships.
>This is a query builder thing. "Try moving one or more relationships to the
>left side (RTL!!!)". Don't know what it means.
