Thread: wxGTK 2.5 cvs error

wxGTK 2.5 cvs error

Jean-Michel POURE
Dear all,

wxGTK 2.5 cvs is installed with the following options:
--enable-gtk2 --enable-unicode --with-opengl --enable-compat24 --enable-debug

During linking -lwx_gtkd_stc-2.4 -lwx_gtkd_xrc-2.4 cannot be found (of course,
they have different names now. I have run ldconfig after each install).

Is this due to 2.4 compatibility?

g++ -DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/\" -Wall -g -I./include/
-I -g -O2  -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o pgAdmin3  pgAdmin3.o pgConn.o
pgSet.o pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o pgCollection.o pgColumn.o
pgConstraints.o pgConversion.o pgDatabase.o pgDomain.o pgForeignKey.o
pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o pgIndexConstraint.o pgLanguage.o pgObject.o
pgOperator.o pgOperatorClass.o pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o
pgTable.o pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o pgDatatype.o ctlSQLBox.o
ctlSQLResult.o dlgAddTableView.o events.o frmAbout.o frmChildTableViewFrame.o
frmConnect.o frmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o
frmQueryBuilder.o frmHelp.o frmQBJoin.o frmSplash.o frmVacuum.o frmEditGrid.o
dlgProperty.o dlgUser.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o dlgSchema.o
dlgDomain.o dlgTable.o dlgColumn.o dlgIndex.o dlgFunction.o
dlgIndexConstraint.o dlgForeignKey.o dlgSequence.o dlgTrigger.o dlgType.o
dlgCheck.o frmStatus.o misc.o sysLogger.o sysSettings.o  -lpq
-lwx_gtkd_stc-2.4 -lwx_gtkd_xrc-2.4 -L/usr/local/lib -pthread -lwx_gtk2ud-2.5
/usr/bin/ld: ne peut trouver -lwx_gtkd_stc-2.4
collect2: ld a retourné 1 code d'état d'exécution
make[2]: *** [pgAdmin3] Erreur 1
make[2]: Quitte le répertoire `/home/pgadmin/pgadmin3/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Erreur 1
make[1]: Quitte le répertoire `/home/pgadmin/pgadmin3'
make: *** [all] Erreur 2
