Thread: Mac Link Error

Mac Link Error

Adam H.Pendleton
I changed the Show() calls to Show(true) and pgadmin compiles, but now
I am getting a link error:

g++ -I./include/ -I -g -O2  -L/usr/local/pgsql/lib -o pgAdmin3
pgAdmin3.o pgConn.o pgSet.o pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o
pgCollection.o pgColumn.o pgConstraints.o pgConversion.o pgDatabase.o
pgDomain.o pgForeignKey.o pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o
pgIndexConstraint.o pgLanguage.o pgObject.o pgOperator.o
pgOperatorClass.o pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o pgTable.o
pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o ctlSQLBox.o ctlSQLResult.o
dlgAddTableView.o events.o frmAbout.o frmChildTableViewFrame.o
frmConnect.o frmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o
frmQueryBuilder.o frmQBJoin.o frmSplash.o frmVacuum.o frmEditGrid.o
dlgProperty.o dlgUser.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o
dlgSchema.o dlgDomain.o dlgTable.o dlgColumn.o dlgIndex.o
dlgIndexConstraint.o dlgForeignKey.o dlgCheck.o frmStatus.o misc.o
sysLogger.o sysSettings.o  -lssl -lcrypto -lwx_macd_stc-2.4
-lwx_macd_xrc-2.4 -L/usr/local/wx2/lib   -framework Carbon -framework
System   /usr/local/wx2/lib/libwx_macd-2.4.a -lz -lpthread  -lpq
ld: warning multiple definitions of symbol _crypt
/usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib(fcrypt.o) definition of _crypt
/System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System(crypt.So) definition
of _crypt
ld: Undefined symbols:
dlgFunction::dlgFunction[in-charge](frmMain*, pgFunction*, pgSchema*)
dlgSequence::dlgSequence[in-charge](frmMain*, pgSequence*, pgSchema*)
make[1]: *** [pgAdmin3] Error 1
make: *** [all] Error 2

I had to add -lssl and -lcrypto to get -lpq to link in configure.  Any
