Thread: Re: development language

Re: development language

From (Christoph_Becker)
What about Python / wxPython and PyPgSQL?

I am using this now for a dental office managment programm. The programm runs
on Linux and Windows. The GNU-Med project too uses Python, wxPython, PyPgSQL
and PostgreSQL.

Before comming to Python/wxPython, I tryed Java but had to stop using it because
I found the Java Swing grid widget to be useless. (I needed a varying row
heigh and more, which Java swing did not have).

Python / wxPython works really great, although it took/takes some time to learn.

Bruce Eckel (Thinking in Java, Thinking in C) wrote that programming (and
maintaining programms) in Python is a about 10 times as fast as in C, and much
faster and easier than in Java
Robin Dunn's, the maintainer of has the following slogan:

Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!

I guess it's right. I would appreciate a pgAdmin project based on
Python/wxPython since than I could and would contribute.

Christoph Becker