Thread: Re: idea for reading encodign format

Re: idea for reading encodign format

"Dave Page"
Hi Frank,
Hmm, that doesn't seem to work here. For any random integervalue of X that I try in select pg_encoding_to_char(X), I get SQL_ASCII as the result.
This is a problem I would like to fix, though I don't have time myself right now :-(
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: frank_lupo []
Sent: 09 September 2002 16:46
To: pgadmin-hackers
Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] idea for reading encodign format

for reading encodign format current version is:

    'Load the Encoding Schemes
    cboProperties(0).Text = "SQL_ASCII"
    Set objItem = cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add(, , "SQL_ASCII", "encoding", "encoding")
    objItem.Selected = True
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_JP", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_CN", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_KR", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "EUC_TW", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "UNICODE", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "MULE_INTERNAL", "encoding", "encoding"< BR>  ;    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN1", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN2", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN3", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN4", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "LATIN5", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "KOI8", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "WIN", "encoding", "encoding"
    cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , "ALT", "encoding", "encoding"

this version is a problem to custom encodign into program. For new encodign modify program to add new encodign

For reading automatly encodign usign this code : < /P>

Dim rsSQL As New Recordset
Dim bIsValid As Boolean

    'Load the Encoding Schemes
    bIsValid = True
    X = 0
    While bIsValid
        Set rsSQL = frmMain.svr.Databases("template1").Execute("select pg_encoding_to_char(" & X & ")")
        If rsSQL.Fields(0).Value = "" Then bIsValid = False
        If bIsValid Then
            If X = 0 Then
                cboProperties(0).Text = rsSQL.Fields(0).Value
                Set objItem = cboProperties (0).Comb o Items.Add(, , rsSQL.Fields(0).Value, "encoding", "encoding")
                objItem.Selected = True
                cboProperties(0).ComboItems.Add , , rsSQL.Fields(0).Value, "encoding", "encoding"
            End If
        End If
        X = X + 1


bye !!


Frank Lupo

Bye !! Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

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