Thread: internationalization (message translation)

internationalization (message translation)

Satoshi Nagayasu
Hi all,

I'm new to pgAdmin, and I think it is very useful.

Does anyone take care about internationalization?

PostgreSQL is widely used in Japan, and translated
messages(menu/dialogs/etc...) are very important
for Japanese users.

I think the GNU gettext is a simple and smart way for
message catalogs.

Does anyone know about message catalog mechanisms in VB?

I'm not familiar with VB, but I can use message catalog
mechanism and translate messages into Japanese.

Any suggestion?

NAGAYASU Satoshi <>


Andrew Hill
Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:

>Hi all,
>I'm new to pgAdmin, and I think it is very useful.
>Does anyone take care about internationalization?
>PostgreSQL is widely used in Japan, and translated
>messages(menu/dialogs/etc...) are very important
>for Japanese users.
>I think the GNU gettext is a simple and smart way for
>message catalogs.
>Does anyone know about message catalog mechanisms in VB?
>I'm not familiar with VB, but I can use message catalog
>mechanism and translate messages into Japanese.
>Any suggestion?


Andrew Hill

Re: internationalization (message translation)

Jean-Michel POURE
> Does anyone take care about internationalization?

Dear Satoshi,

We tried hard to display Japanese characters in pgAdmin2, without success
because VB does not support UTF-8 characters. If we cannot display Japanese
characters, we are not going to be able to translate messages.


Re: internationalization (message

Satoshi Nagayasu
>We tried hard to display Japanese characters in pgAdmin2, without success
>because VB does not support UTF-8 characters. If we cannot display Japanese
>characters, we are not going to be able to translate messages.

Is a UTF-8 support necessary to display translated messages
in single language (like French, or Japanese)?

I know UTF-8 can handle and display several language charactorsets
all at once, but I don't need it.

I need just switching languages of all messages in display.

I think it can be implemented as a message lookup mechanism.

In the GNU gettext mechanism, gettext() function looks up
a message catalog file (it is external resource file),
and if a translated message is found,
gettext() function returns a translated string.

For example, gettext("Hello") returns "Konnichiwa"
as Japanese charactor string, so

| printf( gettext("Hello") );


| Konnichiwa

in Japanese environment.

This can be implemented under VB?

NAGAYASU Satoshi <>