Thread: download and install new version

download and install new version

if possible to download a last binary (in cvs) and install automactly a
new restart of pgadmin2?

1) download of upgrade wizard a last version of binary (.exe and .dll)
   in directory pgadmin2\lastversion
2) when exit the pgamin2 lanch the vbs to execute a regsvr32 unregister
and move old version in pgadmin\oldversion e lastversion in pgadmin2.

In vbs is possible create a object
 Set oTL = CreateObject("Scriptlet.GenerateTypeLib")

Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

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Re: download and install new version

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: 11 April 2002 09:45
> To: pgadmin-hackers
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] download and install new version
> if possible to download a last binary (in cvs) and install
> automactly a new restart of pgadmin2?
> es.
> 1) download of upgrade wizard a last version of binary (.exe and .dll)
>    in directory pgadmin2\lastversion
> 2) when exit the pgamin2 lanch the vbs to execute a regsvr32
> unregister and move old version in pgadmin\oldversion e
> lastversion in pgadmin2.
> In vbs is possible create a object
>  Set oTL = CreateObject("Scriptlet.GenerateTypeLib")

Probably. One for your upgrade/installation wizard perhaps Jean-Michel?

Regards, Dave.