Thread: WinCVS...uuurggh


Tim Finch
Hi, I am not getting on very well with winCVS. I have now tried the
username/password Dave you sent me, it seems to log in ok (says CVS exited
with status 0 so I presume it logs in). However the interface is very
cryptic. I worked out that I see MY local copy of the CVS tree, not whats
on the server.

1. How can I see the files, and especially the new folder you have created
for us, on the server? I have managed to check out the dev folder by your
instructions, add a test text file, and commit so I am getting there..!

2. How do I tell winCVS to download all the new stuff from CVS (pgAdminII,
pgSchema etc.) that you & Jean-Michel have done in the last few days to
update my local copies? I tried checking out the pgAdmin folder again but
it said for each file 'blah-deblah is in the way) - surely it should be
working out what's old and new and updating it...?

I wanted to download the latest stuff before getting back into doing a bit
more on the project.

Bit by bit, step by step, we are sloooowly getting there! Thanks for your
help guys. Sorry I'm cutting my "open-source-development-teeth" on you guys.


Re: WinCVS...uuurggh

Dave Page
Hi Tim,

You can't see what's on the server in WinCVS easily (if at all). I use for that.

To update your local copy, right click the file or folder to update, and select Update from the popup menu. Checkout
willget you a whole copy as you found.  

Another hint, when you commit files, check all the messages in case you get a failure. You may need to update first
whichwill try to auto-merge the changes on the server with your changes - if that fails, it saves both copies for you
tomanually merge (it puts markers where the problems are). Then commit again... 


_____________Original message ____________
Subject:    [pgadmin-hackers] WinCVS...uuurggh
Date:        Thu, 14 Mar 2002 19:05:13 +0000

Hi, I am not getting on very well with winCVS. I have now tried the
username/password Dave you sent me, it seems to log in ok (says CVS exited
with status 0 so I presume it logs in). However the interface is very
cryptic. I worked out that I see MY local copy of the CVS tree, not whats
on the server.

1. How can I see the files, and especially the new folder you have created
for us, on the server? I have managed to check out the dev folder by your
instructions, add a test text file, and commit so I am getting there..!

2. How do I tell winCVS to download all the new stuff from CVS (pgAdminII,
pgSchema etc.) that you & Jean-Michel have done in the last few days to
update my local copies? I tried checking out the pgAdmin folder again but
it said for each file 'blah-deblah is in the way) - surely it should be
working out what's old and new and updating it...?

I wanted to download the latest stuff before getting back into doing a bit
more on the project.

Bit by bit, step by step, we are sloooowly getting there! Thanks for your
help guys. Sorry I'm cutting my "open-source-development-teeth" on you guys.


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Re: WinCVS...uuurggh

Tim Finch
At 19:22 14/03/2002 +0000, Dave Page wrote:
>Hi Tim,
>You can't see what's on the server in WinCVS easily (if at all). I use
> for that.

Ah, thats a good idea of course.

>To update your local copy, right click the file or folder to update, and
>select Update from the popup menu. Checkout will get you a whole copy as
>you found.

So I simply right click pgAdmin and select Update. I did this but it seemed
to upload more data than download & I had a horrid feeling its was
overwriting the latest stuff. OK, I'll proceed with more courage now.

>Another hint, when you commit files, check all the messages in case you
>get a failure. You may need to update first which will try to auto-merge
>the changes on the server with your changes - if that fails, it saves both
>copies for you to manually merge (it puts markers where the problems are).
>Then commit again...

This CVS thing is not as automated as it sounds!
Really appreciate the help. Strieks me that there are so many things to get
your head round before actually writing a line of CODE!

Re: WinCVS...uuurggh

Dave Page
It seems a lot to get used to, but I now prefer it over visual sourcesafe anytime. It works really well, and in
reality,manual merges are rarely needed in my experience. You just need to be sure to catch them when they are. 


_____________Original message ____________
Subject:    Re: [pgadmin-hackers] WinCVS...uuurggh
Date:        Sat, 16 Mar 2002 15:33:30 +0000

At 19:22 14/03/2002 +0000, Dave Page wrote:
>Hi Tim,
>You can't see what's on the server in WinCVS easily (if at all). I use
> for that.

Ah, thats a good idea of course.

>To update your local copy, right click the file or folder to update, and
>select Update from the popup menu. Checkout will get you a whole copy as
>you found.

So I simply right click pgAdmin and select Update. I did this but it seemed
to upload more data than download & I had a horrid feeling its was
overwriting the latest stuff. OK, I'll proceed with more courage now.

>Another hint, when you commit files, check all the messages in case you
>get a failure. You may need to update first which will try to auto-merge
>the changes on the server with your changes - if that fails, it saves both
>copies for you to manually merge (it puts markers where the problems are).
>Then commit again...

This CVS thing is not as automated as it sounds!
Really appreciate the help. Strieks me that there are so many things to get
your head round before actually writing a line of CODE!

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