Thread: Re: Transform pgSchema into a Multi-database

Re: Transform pgSchema into a Multi-database

Jean-Michel POURE
>The easy way to do it would be to create an 'Abstract' dll that specifies
>the dll interface. You would then make pgSchema or mySchema 'Implement' this
>interface. The login code in pgAdmin would have to load the correct dll for
>the remote db. Look at the exporters or plugins to see how 'Implements'

I am doing it right now.
This is what we need.
Forget my email, I feel stupid.

>I would point out here and now, that whilst it would be nice to provide the
>level of functionality for other DBs as we do for PostgreSQL, I will not be
>undertaking such a project myself. The amount of work I did (and will
>continue doing with future versions of PostgreSQL) on pgSchema is tremendous
>and I don't want to do it again for another db that I have no interest in
>using (there is now 24,990 lines of [fairly well] debugged and tested code
>in pgAdmin II - not including dll test code!).
>However, if you want to implement something and can do it with compromising
>the PostgreSQL functionality then feel free - I'll be happy to add it to the

I know you are doing a great job with Mark.
Seems like you are *always* online working on PostgreSQL/pgAdmin.
Your development choices go in the right direction.
Also, I broke code quite a few times in CVS and you never got very angry.

I would be interested in adding MySQL support to pgAdmin and then MSSQL and
But, no time to do it now for business reasons and because the DROP/CREATE
project (I use rebuilding feature everyday at work) and Cygwin projects are
more urgent.

By the way, do you have any idea if/when pgTeam will implement ALTER FUNCTION?

Thanks again,