Thread: Transform pgSchema into a Multi-database wrapper

Transform pgSchema into a Multi-database wrapper

Jean-Michel POURE
Hello all,

Is it technically possible to transform pgSchema into a multi-database wrapper?

1) Usually database wrappers are built using inheritance.
2) As inheritance does not exist in VB, we need to use other solutions
which are :
- i) duplicate pgSchema, i.e. create a mysqlSchema object,
- ii) add an XML/XSLT description layer to pgSchema.

XML layer + XSLT should help use describe:
- Abstract Schema and Datatype mappings.
- Available objects (i.e MySQL does not have functions, triggers and views),
- SQL queries used to retrieve information.

This would not change the calling API of pgSchema but the internal structure.
Is this a dream (unfortunately, I guess yes)? Any suggestions welcome.

Cheers, Jean-Michel