Thread: CVS checkout

CVS checkout

Jean-Michel POURE
Hello Dave,

I am trying to checkout pgAdmin II files from CVS from the WinCVS command line:

cvs (in
directory F:\pgadmin2)
Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
   where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
     (specify --help-options for a list of options)
   where command is add, admin, etc.
     (specify --help-commands for a list of commands
      or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
   where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
     (specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
   Specify --help to receive this message

The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version control.
For CVS updates and additional information, see
     the CVS home page at or
     Pascal Molli's CVS site at

*****CVS exited normally with code 1*****

Any idea?


Re: CVS checkout

Dave Page

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean-Michel POURE []
> Sent: 03 September 2001 20:43
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] CVS checkout
> Hello Dave,
> I am trying to checkout pgAdmin II files from CVS from the
> WinCVS command line:
> **************************************************************
> **************
> **************************************************************
> **************
> *******
> cvs
> dmin2 (in
> directory F:\pgadmin2)
> Usage: cvs [cvs-options] command [command-options-and-arguments]
>    where cvs-options are -q, -n, etc.
>      (specify --help-options for a list of options)
>    where command is add, admin, etc.
>      (specify --help-commands for a list of commands
>       or --help-synonyms for a list of command synonyms)
>    where command-options-and-arguments depend on the specific command
>      (specify -H followed by a command name for command-specific help)
>    Specify --help to receive this message
> The Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a tool for version
> control. For CVS updates and additional information, see
>      the CVS home page at or
>      Pascal Molli's CVS site at
> *****CVS exited
> normally with code 1*****
> Any idea?

It looks to me like it thinks you've got the command line wrong. Does WinCVS
work? Also, I must create you a writeable CVS account... I'll get back to
you on that.

Regards, Dave.