Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000475 ] SEGFAULT during SQLCancel
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000457 ] Autocommit and Cancel
- Re: SQLColAttributes and SQL_DESC_NULLABLE Dave Page
- Re: BLOB handling compatibility with PostgreSQL > 7.4 Peter Eisentraut
- MyLog file for #1000457 issue "Autocommit and Cancel" Eugene Fokin
- snapshot version for download Carlos Benkendorf
- Re: snapshot version for download Dave Page
- Re: BLOB handling compatibility with PostgreSQL > 7.4 Marc Herbert
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000476 ] DateStyle and Transaction
- Re: BLOB handling compatibility with PostgreSQL > 7.4 Peter Eisentraut
- Re: BLOB handling compatibility with PostgreSQL > 7.4 Ludek Finstrle
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000475 ] SEGFAULT during SQLCancel
- Re: [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000476 ] DateStyle and Transaction Ludek Finstrle
- Re: Where to get the latest source for Linux Ludek Finstrle
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000476 ] DateStyle and Transaction
- Re: SQLTables don't stop Ludek Finstrle
- Please review this patch Ludek Finstrle