Mailing lists [pgsql-odbc]
- Out of memory troubles with version Filip Wuytack
- Re: Out of memory troubles with version Ludek Finstrle
- Re: Out of memory troubles with version (Tomas Skäre)
- Re: Out of memory troubles with version Ludek Finstrle
- Re: Out of memory troubles with version Filip Wuytack
- client encoding mismatch help! frank
- Re: Out of memory troubles with version Ludek Finstrle
- Re: client encoding mismatch help! Ludek Finstrle
- Re: client encoding mismatch help! Frank R Callaghan
- Re: client encoding mismatch help! Ludek Finstrle
- More strict bind param count checking Ludek Finstrle
- Patch for 1000478 Cannot create DNS using odbcconf.exe utility in Windows Ludek Finstrle
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000478 ] Cannot create DNS using odbcconf.exe utility in Windows
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000481 ] VFP and SQLCancel
- Re: Access violation C5 error on Visual FoxPro SQLEXEC() call after error Ludek Finstrle
- [ psqlodbc-Bugs-1000481 ] VFP and SQLCancel