Mailing lists [pgsql-novice]
- Get a list of databases? Neil Aggarwal
- Re: Get a list of databases? A. Kretschmer
- Re: Get a list of databases? joseph speigle
- Re: Get a list of databases? Kevin Hunter
- Revoking the right to create (non-temporary) tables? Brian Hurt
- Re: Revoking the right to create (non-temporary) tables? Tom Lane
- Crappy performance even though not swapping Neil Aggarwal
- Re: Crappy performance even though not swapping Phillip Smith
- Re: Crappy performance even though not swapping Neil Aggarwal
- Re: Crappy performance even though not swapping Neil Aggarwal
- Re: Crappy performance even though not swapping Phillip Smith
- Re: Crappy performance even though not swapping Phillip Smith