Mailing lists [pgsql-novice]
- Re: Can't edit pg_hba.conf; and, How do I restart postmaster? Tom Lane
- Question Regarding Locks Terry Lee Tucker
- Re: [GENERAL] Question Regarding Locks Tom Lane
- serial = autoincrement = without gaps ??
- Re: serial = autoincrement = without gaps ?? Oliver Fromme
- Retrieve columntypes and checks? Jesper Krogh
- Re: Retrieve columntypes and checks? Oliver Fromme
- Re: Retrieve columntypes and checks? Jeff Eckermann
- Re: Retrieve columntypes and checks? Jesper Krogh
- Re: Retrieve columntypes and checks? Bruno Wolff III
- Re: Retrieve columntypes and checks? Michael Fuhr
- Importing Microsoft Sql Server 2000 Aleksandar Dezelin