Mailing lists [pgsql-interfaces]
- Re: Conversion of \n to \r\n Tom Lane
- Re: using large objects with jdbc/odbc Peter Mount
- Re: open for other OSes!? Rasca Gmelch
- libpq.dll and VB Finn Kettner
- Re: open for other OSes!? Thomas Lockhart
- AW: vb postgres blobs (Bastian Nagelschmidt)
- Re: AW: vb postgres blobs John Thorhauer
- Re: OBDC and Postgres v. 7 Kovacs Zoltan
- JDBC Patch Christopher Cain
- odbc Christophe Vigny
- iODBC Driver,psqlODBC at PostgreSQl DB in Solaris amish seth
- JDBC problem BogdanKRomski
- dynamic large objects <-> C procs; HOWTO? Chris Nicholas
- ODBC driver fails to change float/numeric fields Alex Drobyish
- Re: JDBC problem John McKown
- using large objects with jdbc Manika dey