Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: [v15 beta] pg_upgrade failed if earlier executed with -c switch Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: [v15 beta] pg_upgrade failed if earlier executed with -c switch Michael Paquier
- Allow placeholders in ALTER ROLE w/o superuser Steve Chavez
- Re: Rewriting the test of pg_upgrade as a TAP test - take three - remastered set Michael Paquier
- Re: Handle infinite recursion in logical replication setup vignesh C
- Re: Handle infinite recursion in logical replication setup vignesh C
- Re: pg_rewind: warn when checkpoint hasn't happened after promotion Kyotaro Horiguchi
- Re: bogus: logical replication rows/cols combinations Peter Smith
- Re: Report checkpoint progress with pg_stat_progress_checkpoint (was: Report checkpoint progress in server logs) Nitin Jadhav
- Re: Ignoring BRIN for HOT udpates seems broken Tomas Vondra
- Re: should check interrupts in BuildRelationExtStatistics ? Michael Paquier
- Re: Ignoring BRIN for HOT udpates seems broken Michael Paquier
- Re: [RFC] building postgres with meson -v8 Michael Paquier
- RE: Handle infinite recursion in logical replication setup
- Sudden database error with COUNT(*) making Query Planner crashes: variable not found in subplan target list Jean Landercy - BEEODIVERSITY
- RE: Multi-Master Logical Replication
- Re: pg_rewind: warn when checkpoint hasn't happened after promotion James Coleman
- Re: pg_rewind: warn when checkpoint hasn't happened after promotion James Coleman
- pg_buffercache: add sql test Dong Wook Lee
- Re: How about a psql backslash command to show GUCs? Justin Pryzby
- Re: Sudden database error with COUNT(*) making Query Planner crashes: variable not found in subplan target list Justin Pryzby
- RE: pgcon unconference / impact of block size on performance Jakub Wartak
- Re: Add index scan progress to pg_stat_progress_vacuum Robert Haas
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Robert Haas
- Re: pgcon unconference / impact of block size on performance Tomas Vondra
- Re: Assertion failure with barriers in parallel hash join David Geier
- Re: [PATCH] Expose port->authn_id to extensions and triggers Jacob Champion
- Re: pgcon unconference / impact of block size on performance Tomas Vondra
- Re: How about a psql backslash command to show GUCs? Tom Lane
- Re: pg_buffercache: add sql test Daniel Gustafsson
- RE: Sudden database error with COUNT(*) making Query Planner crashes: variable not found in subplan target list Jean Landercy - BEEODIVERSITY
- Re: How about a psql backslash command to show GUCs? Robert Haas
- Re: pg_buffercache: add sql test Stephen Frost
- Re: How about a psql backslash command to show GUCs? Mark Dilger
- Re: Logging query parmeters in auto_explain Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Jeff Davis
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Robert Haas
- Re: [v15 beta] pg_upgrade failed if earlier executed with -c switch Daniel Gustafsson
- Re: [PATCH] Expose port->authn_id to extensions and triggers Robert Haas
- Re: pgsql: Use pre-fetching for ANALYZE Stephen Frost
- Re: [v15 beta] pg_upgrade failed if earlier executed with -c switch Justin Pryzby
- Re: Sudden database error with COUNT(*) making Query Planner crashes: variable not found in subplan target list Justin Pryzby
- Re: replacing role-level NOINHERIT with a grant-level option Robert Haas
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Jeff Davis
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Robert Haas
- Re: pgcon unconference / impact of block size on performance Fabien COELHO
- Re: How about a psql backslash command to show GUCs? Tom Lane
- Re: oat_post_create expected behavior Tom Lane
- Re: Sudden database error with COUNT(*) making Query Planner crashes: variable not found in subplan target list David Rowley
- Re: pgcon unconference / impact of block size on performance David Rowley
- Re: replacing role-level NOINHERIT with a grant-level option Stephen Frost
- Re: [v15 beta] pg_upgrade failed if earlier executed with -c switch Michael Paquier
- Re: Reducing Memory Consumption (aset and generation) David Rowley
- Re: pg_auth_members.grantor is bunk Stephen Frost