Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: pgsql: Refactor dlopen() support Tom Lane
- Re: libpq stricter integer parsing Fabien COELHO
- Re: Collation versioning Thomas Munro
- Re: buildfarm: could not read block 3 in file "base/16384/2662": read only 0 of 8192 bytes Tom Lane
- Re: unaccent(text) fails depending on search_path (WAS: pg_upgradefails saying function unaccent(text) doesn't exist) Bruce Momjian
- StandbyAcquireAccessExclusiveLock doesn't necessarily Tom Lane
- Re: unaccent(text) fails depending on search_path (WAS: pg_upgrade fails saying function unaccent(text) doesn't exist) Tom Lane
- Re: unaccent(text) fails depending on search_path (WAS: pg_upgradefails saying function unaccent(text) doesn't exist) Bruce Momjian
- Re: unaccent(text) fails depending on search_path (WAS: pg_upgrade fails saying function unaccent(text) doesn't exist) Tom Lane
- Re: jsonpath Nikita Glukhov
- Re: *_to_xml() should copy SPI_processed/SPI_tuptable Tom Lane
- RE: [HACKERS] Proposal to add work_mem option to postgres_fdw module Shinoda, Noriyoshi (PN Japan GCS Delivery)
- remove duplicated words in comments .. across lines Justin Pryzby
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP Patch: Pgbench Serialization and deadlock errors Fabien COELHO
- Does logical replication slot itself would be physically replicatedto slaves? Jinhua Luo
- How to find local logical replication origin? Jinhua Luo
- Sv: Re: Query is over 2x slower with jit=on Andreas Joseph Krogh
- Re: StandbyAcquireAccessExclusiveLock doesn't necessarily Simon Riggs
- Re: [HACKERS] WIP Patch: Pgbench Serialization and deadlock errors Fabien COELHO
- RULE does not like the NOT EXISTS condition Szima Gábor
- Re: RULE does not like the NOT EXISTS condition Andrew Gierth
- Re: remove duplicated words in comments .. across lines Michael Paquier
- Re: Prevent concurrent DROP SCHEMA when certain objects are beinginitially created in the namespace Michael Paquier
- Re: Does logical replication slot itself would be physicallyreplicated to slaves? Michael Paquier
- Re: Prevent concurrent DROP SCHEMA when certain objects are being initially created in the namespace Tom Lane