Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- proposal: ignore null fields in not relation type composite type based constructors Pavel Stehule
- pg9.4b1: unhelpful error message when creating a collation Fabien COELHO
- [PATCH] Replacement for OSSP-UUID for Linux and BSD Matteo Beccati
- Re: Priority table or Cache table Hannu Krosing
- Index-only scans for GIST Anastasia Lubennikova
- Re: Window function optimisation, allow pushdowns of items matching PARTITION BY clauses Thomas Mayer
- pg_recvlogical not accepting -I to specify start LSN position Michael Paquier
- Re: 9.4 btree index corruption Heikki Linnakangas
- Could not finish anti-wraparound VACUUM when stop limit is reached Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: pg9.4b1: unhelpful error message when creating a collation Andres Freund
- [9.5] possible fast path for pinning a page multiple times Jeff Davis
- Re: Could not finish anti-wraparound VACUUM when stop limit is reached Andres Freund
- Re: assertion in 9.4 with wal_level=logical Andres Freund
- PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Tomas Vondra
- Re: pg_recvlogical not accepting -I to specify start LSN position Andres Freund
- Re: PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Andres Freund
- Re: Sending out a request for more buildfarm animals? Andres Freund
- [GSoC] Clustering in MADlib - status update Maxence Ahlouche
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Andres Freund
- Re: pg9.4b1: unhelpful error message when creating a collation Tom Lane
- Re: [9.5] possible fast path for pinning a page multiple times Tom Lane
- Re: PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Tomas Vondra
- Re: PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Tom Lane
- Re: [PATCH] Replacement for OSSP-UUID for Linux and BSD Tom Lane
- Re: PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Tomas Vondra
- Re: IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA statement David Fetter
- Re: PATCH: pgbench / int64 instead of int for xact count Tom Lane
- Re: Sending out a request for more buildfarm animals? Tom Lane
- Re: IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA statement Ronan Dunklau
- Re: 9.4 btree index corruption Jeff Janes
- Spreading full-page writes Heikki Linnakangas
- Re: 9.4 btree index corruption Heikki Linnakangas
- Could not finish anti-wraparound VACUUM when stop limit is reached Jeff Janes
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Jeff Ross
- Re: pg_recvlogical not accepting -I to specify start LSN position Michael Paquier
- Re: [PATCH] Replacement for OSSP-UUID for Linux and BSD Matteo Beccati