Mailing lists [pgsql-hackers]
- Re: 9.4 release notes Tomonari Katsumata
- Congrats Andres Freund, the newest PostgreSQL Commiter! Fabrízio de Royes Mello
- Re: Congrats Andres Freund, the newest PostgreSQL Commiter! Michael Paquier
- Re: Congrats Andres Freund, the newest PostgreSQL Commiter! David Fetter
- Re: Congrats Andres Freund, the newest PostgreSQL Commiter! Atri Sharma
- Re: PostgreSQL 9.4 InterlockedCompareExchange appearing in mingw64-w32 causing issue with PostGIS win32 load Paragon Corporation
- Re: Allowing join removals for more join types David Rowley
- Re: uuid-ossp (Re: [pgsql-packagers] Postgresapp 9.4 beta build ready) Matteo Beccati
- Re: Allowing join removals for more join types Dilip kumar
- fix worker_spi to run as non-dynamic background worker Shigeru Hanada
- postgres_fdw and connection management Sandro Santilli
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Robert Haas
- Re: Allowing join removals for more join types David Rowley
- Re: HEAD crashes with assertion and LWLOCK_STATS enabled Robert Haas
- Re: btree_gist macaddr valgrind woes Alvaro Herrera
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Bruce Momjian
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 David G Johnston
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Andres Freund
- Re: Re: popen and pclose redefinitions causing many warning in Windows build Alvaro Herrera
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Bruce Momjian
- Re: wrapping in extended mode doesn't work well with default pager Alvaro Herrera
- Re: postgres_fdw and connection management Fabrízio de Royes Mello
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Jeff Ross
- Re: Congrats Andres Freund, the newest PostgreSQL Commiter! Mike Blackwell
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Jeff Ross
- Re: fix worker_spi to run as non-dynamic background worker Michael Paquier
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Tom Lane
- Re: postgres_fdw and connection management Sandro Santilli
- Re: Allowing join removals for more join types Tom Lane
- Re: uuid-ossp (Re: [pgsql-packagers] Postgresapp 9.4 beta build ready) Matteo Beccati
- Re: Wait free LW_SHARED acquisition - v0.2 Amit Kapila
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Thomas Munro
- Re: Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Bruce Momjian
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Bruce Momjian
- Re: pg_upgrade fails: Mismatch of relation OID in database 8.4 -> 9.3 Bruce Momjian
- Re: 9.4 release notes Bruce Momjian
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Simon Riggs
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Pavel Stehule
- IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA statement Ronan Dunklau
- Re: SKIP LOCKED DATA (work in progress) Robert Haas
- Re: Allowing join removals for more join types David Rowley