Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Why is 8.4 and 9.0 so much slower on some queries? Uwe Schroeder
- Re: Why is 8.4 and 9.0 so much slower on some queries? Tom Lane
- Re: what data type to store fixed size integer? Arash pajoohande
- Re: Why is 8.4 and 9.0 so much slower on some queries? Uwe Schroeder
- Different cast behavior of TEXT and VARCHAR
- Re: what data type to store fixed size integer? David Johnston
- Multiple Results with crosstab function Sven Haag
- What is the difference between these queries salah jubeh
- pg_connect connection problem AI Rumman
- Re: Out of memory Jeremy Palmer
- Re: What is the difference between these queries
- UPDATE failed with 'ERROR: index row requires 8968 bytes, maximum size is 8191' Lonni J Friedman
- Re: pg_connect connection problem Gipsz Jakab
- full text search for words with a few specific chars Armin Nesiren
- Re: Why is 8.4 and 9.0 so much slower on some queries? Merlin Moncure
- Re: PostgreSQL backend process high memory usage issue Merlin Moncure
- Re: Different cast behavior of TEXT and VARCHAR Tom Lane
- Re: Different cast behavior of TEXT and VARCHAR
- Re: What is the difference between these queries Tom Lane
- Re: What is the difference between these queries
- word wrap in postgres akp geek
- Re: Column storage (EXTERNAL/EXTENDED) settings for bytea/text column Bill Moran
- Re: PostgreSQL backend process high memory usage issue Shianmiin
- Re: word wrap in postgres Andreas Kretschmer
- Re: word wrap in postgres akp geek
- Trying out replication: cp cannot stat log file during recovery Henry C.
- Re: Howto use "COPY FROM" with the native API? Clemens Eisserer
- Re: pg_restore Mike Orr
- Re: PostgreSQL backend process high memory usage issue Merlin Moncure
- Re: Column storage (EXTERNAL/EXTENDED) settings for bytea/text column Joel Stevenson
- Revisiting UPDATE FROM ... ORDER BY not respected Carlo Stonebanks
- Re: PostgreSQL backend process high memory usage issue Shianmiin
- Re: Revisiting UPDATE FROM ... ORDER BY not respected Tom Lane
- Re: Trying out replication: cp cannot stat log file during recovery Fujii Masao