Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Re: Table Names Michael Glaesemann
- dynamic table/col names in plpgsql gary jefferson
- Re: dynamic table/col names in plpgsql Michael Glaesemann
- Re: dynamic table/col names in plpgsql Steve Atkins
- Duplicate Key Violates Unique Contraint when Updating a table carter ck
- Re: 8.2 contrib. "Full Disjunction" Martijn van Oosterhout
- Re: finding items with 0 rels for a 0 to many relationship danmcb
- Re: Duplicate Key Violates Unique Contraint when Updating a table Ragnar
- how to implement unusual constraint danmcb
- Re: Duplicate Key Violates Unique Contraint whenUpdating a table carter ck
- Re: Duplicate Key Violates Unique Contraint whenUpdating a table Ragnar
- Re: how to implement unusual constraint Ragnar
- low transaction ID wrap limit Jeff Amiel
- Re: how to implement unusual constraint Tom Lane
- Re: low transaction ID wrap limit Tom Lane
- Re: how to implement unusual constraint danmcb
- Re: finding items with 0 rels for a 0 to many relationship danmcb
- alter table type from double precision to real