Mailing lists [pgsql-general]
- Large Objects Across a Network Geoff Russell
- Re: can't read SQL dump from MySQL Gunnar von Boehn
- Re: How to display a user-defined function? (2nd attempt) Evgeni E. Selkov
- Problems inserting data Denis Perchine
- Conditional statements Mark Alliban
- Re: Transaction Manager Neil Conway
- MySQL benchmarks updated to PostgreSQL 7.0.2 (fwd) Jeff MacDonald
- Weighted Searching Mitch Vincent
- Re: [SQL] Weighted Searching Stephan Szabo
- [Fwd: problem with LIKE and '/%'] Barry Lind
- Re: Another problem with indices? Zlatko Calusic
- Starting server at boot Adam Lang
- COPY Algobit
- Re: Another problem with indices? Tom Lane
- Contract for adding replication support to Postgres Erich
- Creating SQL functions Erich
- Re: [SQL] Weighted Searching Oleg Bartunov