Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Adapt appendPsqlMetaConnect() to the new fmtId() encoding expect Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix indentation of comment in plannodes.h Michael Paquier
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Last-minute updates for release notes. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 17.3. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 16.7. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 15.11. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 14.16. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Stamp 13.19. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Replace AssertMacro() with Assert() when not in macro Peter Eisentraut
- pgsql: Allow extension functions to participate in in-place updates. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Preliminary refactoring of plpgsql expression construction. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Implement new optimization rule for updates of expanded variable Tom Lane
- pgsql: Detect whether plpgsql assignment targets are "local" variables. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Refactor pl_funcs.c to provide a usage-independent tree walker. Tom Lane
- pgsql: config: Split "Worker Processes" out of "Asynchronous Behavior" Andres Freund
- pgsql: config: Rename "Asynchronous Behavior" to "I/O" Andres Freund
- pgsql: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum Melanie Plageman
- pgsql: Injection points for hash aggregation. Jeff Davis