Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- pgsql: Fix json_to_record() bug with nested objects. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix json_to_record() bug with nested objects. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Fix json_to_record() bug with nested objects. Tom Lane
- pgsql: logical decoding: fix decoding of a commit's commit time. Andres Freund
- pgsql: logical decoding: fix decoding of a commit's commit time. Andres Freund
- pgsql: Add prefix to pl/pgsql global variables and functions Magnus Hagander
- pgsql: Revert buggy optimization of index scans Simon Riggs
- pgsql: Revert buggy optimization of index scans Simon Riggs
- Re: pgsql: Fix json_to_record() bug with nested objects. Andrew Dunstan
- pgsql: Fix mistakes in recovery tests Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: perltidy PostgresNode and SimpleTee Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: Rework PostgresNode's psql method Alvaro Herrera
- pgsql: pgbench: accept unambiguous builtin prefixes for -b Alvaro Herrera