Mailing lists [pgsql-committers]
- Re: pgsql: Properly handle Win32 paths of 'E:abc', which can be either abso Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Fix reverse 'if' test in path_is_relative_and_below_cwd(), per T Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Back out libpq doc change; not ready yet. Bruce Momjian
- Re: pgsql: Fix reverse 'if' test in path_is_relative_and_below_cwd(), per T Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Clarify documentation for libpq's PQescapeBytea to mention the n Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Clarify documentation for libpq's PQescapeBytea to mention the n Bruce Momjian
- pgsql: Change the naming convention for extension files to use double d Tom Lane
- pgsql: Support replacing MODULE_PATHNAME during extension script file e Tom Lane
- pgsql: Convert contrib modules to use the extension facility. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Assorted fixups for "unpackaged" conversion scripts. Tom Lane
- pgsql: Avoid use of CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION in extension installatio Tom Lane