Mailing lists [pgsql-bugs]
- Re: CAST from numeric(18,3) to numeric doesnt work, posgresql 13.3 Tom Lane
- BUG #17132: About "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... ADD/DROP PUBLICATION" PG Bug reporting form
- Can not cancel a call to a function that has opened a refcursor Mike Knowsley
- BUG #17134: pg_restore ERROR: operator does not exist: util.ltree = util.ltree PG Bug reporting form
- Re: CAST from numeric(18,3) to numeric doesnt work, posgresql 13.3 Dean Rasheed
- Re: BUG #16631: postgres_fdw tries to insert into generated columns Etsuro Fujita
- Re: Can not cancel a call to a function that has opened a refcursor Dave Cramer
- BUG #17135: duplicate key value violates unique constraint PG Bug reporting form
- Re: BUG #17135: duplicate key value violates unique constraint David G. Johnston
- Re: Can not cancel a call to a function that has opened a refcursor Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #17134: pg_restore ERROR: operator does not exist: util.ltree = util.ltree David G. Johnston
- Re: Can not cancel a call to a function that has opened a refcursor Dave Cramer
- Re: BUG #17134: pg_restore ERROR: operator does not exist: util.ltree = util.ltree vinay kumar
- Re: CAST from numeric(18,3) to numeric doesnt work, posgresql 13.3 Tom Lane
- Re: BUG #17134: pg_restore ERROR: operator does not exist: util.ltree = util.ltree David G. Johnston
- Initializing Database Cluster Failed Bruce Salgado
- Re: Can not cancel a call to a function that has opened a refcursor Mike Knowsley