> I'm looking through the documentation, I'm trying to figure this out.
> How can I get a client up and running, 'psql' and an ODBC driver for
> postgreSQL on Windows? Do I need to install the entire database with
> cygwin?
If you're on Windows, download PgAdminII from:
This will install the latest ODBC, as well as a nifty GUI admin console.
> I'm playing around with Macromedia's Dreamweaver and ColdFusion which
> can use ODBC to connect to databases. (It can also use JDBC, OLE DB
> and
> has native support for Oracle and others -- not PG though :-)
IMHO, Dreamweaver and Coldfusion leave a lot to be desired as real
production platforms. For playing around, they've OK.
______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
Josh Berkus
Complete information technology josh@agliodbs.com
and data management solutions (415) 565-7293
for law firms, small businesses fax 621-2533
and non-profit organizations. San Francisco