> I am using PostgreSQL 6.5 database (yes, I know it's old, but I'm
> only
> playing/learning/prototyping/...) Surely, this is not a pg6.5
> problem? Or is
> it?
1. You should upgrade. There are a *lot* of things in 6.5 that don't
work right, and if you don't upgrade you'll never be sure what's your
code and what's a PostgreSQL bug. Also, 7.1.3 supports a lot more SQL
92 than 6.5 does (left joins, subselects in the FROM clause, etc.).
2. Join the pgsql-jdbc list and post your question there. That's where
it's most likely to get answered.
______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
Josh Berkus
Complete information technology
and data management solutions (415) 565-7293
for law firms, small businesses fax 621-2533
and non-profit organizations. San Francisco