Hello Tsunakawa-san,
thank you very much for your reply!
> No, SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT is off by default.
How would you set it then - via connect settings?
> I've just confirmed that "SET statement_timeout" is not issued when I executed "SELECT pg_sleep(60);" with isql
commandof the unixODBC. In addition, SQL_QUERY_TIMEOUT just terminates the query, retaining the database connection.
Yourmessage seems to show that the connection was terminated.
You are right. It seems that there was a network problem when I tried the update before. It completed using v9.5.300
> Could you show the mylog output?
I have the mylog output. However, there was another problem. When using 9.5.300 all the the check boxes for the logs
weredisabled (greyed out) - even when creating a new ODBC DSN. When using 9.3.400 everything is okay.
Best regards,