I just run a script to update them after importing data. Something like this... (not a real script...)
while read tablename
echo "select setval('${tablename}_${tablename}_seq', \
(select max(${tablename}id) from $tablename))" | psql database
< tablenames.txt
Of course, this assumes you allowed the default sequence names to be created via SERIAL and that you created the
primarykeys as <tablename>id. You might need a text file with table, key, and sequence names, but this is likely
easierthan issuing a bunch of psql commands by hand.
Ian Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
Phone: (253) 798-3549
Pager: (253) 754-0002
>>> CSN <cool_screen_name90001@yahoo.com> 10/09/03 12:10PM >>>
On Thursday 09 October 2003 08:10, CSN wrote:
> Is there a way to have p/k sequences get
> set to max(id)+1 after COPY's like the following?
> copy table1 (id,name) from stdin;
> 1 abc
> 2 def
> 3 fhi
> \.
Not really - if you don't use the sequence it keeps
its value. If you look at
pg_dump it issues an explicit setval() after a copy.
I'm not sure you can even work around it with a BEFORE
trigger to check and
update the sequence, the nextval() call will probably
be processed before the
trigger gets called (haven't checked). In any case,
performance would be a
bit poor.
Is there any reason why you're supplying your own id
values when you already
have a sequence?
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
> Is there any reason why you're supplying your own id
values when you already have a sequence?
I'm importing a lot of data and tables (from mysql)
and want to keep the ID's the same.
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